Seven Candles Guesthouse
The Ponheary Ly Foundation
Ponheary Ly, the owner of Seven Candles, has an amazing history. As a young woman, she survived the killing fields of the Khmer Rouge and decades of civil war to become a respected leader for the rights and education of Cambodian children. A "CNN Hero," and World of Children Award Winner, Ponheary believes that education is the key to overcoming the cycle of poverty brought on by decades of genocide, and has made it her life's mission to be of service to children who struggle for their education.
The Ponheary Ly Foundation was formed in 2006 to fund this mission and today provides educational opportunity to over 2,800 students.
The PLF and Seven Candles are two separate entities with the PLF office located on the first floor. Although we welcome guests to participate in special projects related to the Ponheary Ly Foundation through our "Help for a Day" Program, there is absolutely no pressure for guests to be involved in the work of the Foundation.
Staying at the Guesthouse means you will be helping the Ly Family be able to direct their
passion to the rebuilding of their country.
If you are interested in the Foundation's work,
please visit theplf.org for more information.